Category: Foro Periodistas
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Sorry, this entry is only available in European Spanish.
Sorry, this entry is only available in European Spanish.
Sorry, this entry is only available in European Spanish.
The creative director of Advance Communication Solutions, Isidro Perez, close the sixth edition of the Forum of JournalistsUMH offering an interesting talk in which he gave some clues as to design and usability to make the most of blogs andprofessional websites. Isidro Perez, spoke of beginners web design basics, common problems and challenges, frominformation architecture to usability and accessibility of the pages. In this sense, Perez put in value the tool WordPress (blogs)for the development of online journalism projects. In addition, this young entrepreneur told students Alicante 4 th of JournalismLinktoStart project support young entrepreneurs, encouraging students to [...]
Jordi Galobart was responsible for the opening session of VI Journalists Forumorganized by the Department of Journalism and sponsored by the UMH Social Work Bancaja. His talk “The Challenges of UX” served to students attending could learn the basics to make a usable on any web page. According Galobart, the websites must pass through the screen and createexperiences for users. To this we must attract the reader to the web, persuadingusers to stay, make your life easier with a usable and accessible website. You can download the PowerPoint presentation chat at the following address [...]
[ 21 November, 2011; ] Sorry, this entry is only available in European Spanish.
[ 15 November, 2011 a 18 November, 2011. ] VI Journalists Forum, organized by the Department of Journalism at the UMH, whichis entitled "The design of the old and new media. Challenges to face the crisis. "
El martes 15 se inaugura el VI Foro de Periodistas, organizado por el Área de Periodismo de la UMH. Esta edición tendrá por título “El diseño de los viejos y nuevos medios. Retos para enfrentar la crisis” y se celebrará en el Edificio Atzavares del Campus de Elche durante los días 15, 16, 18 y 21 [...]