Etiqueta: International Journalism

RSS de International Journalism 

The International Journalism Seminar (IJS) has closed its third edition with a final session in which Alejandra Lorente, a young UMH graduate, has spoken about her experience as a journalist and public relations representative in London and Madrid. Alexandra Lorente is currently directing the communication department of Openbank, the digital brand [...]

2 mayo 2013

Geir Conrad Tufte on his session in the International Journalism Seminar The International Journalim Seminar (IJS) has started its third edition with the session of Geir Conrad Tufte, associate professor of the Østfold University College (Norway), about the mass media’s role in the case of Anders Behring Breivik. In this discussion, the researcher and expert in [...]

8 noviembre 2012

The International Journalism Seminar (IJS) reaches its third edition this year with new questions, answers, challenges and opportunities facing the future of the profession. The first session will be held on October 17, when students will tell their summer experiences. In November, Geir Conrad Tufte and Dariusz Rott will offer their views on the state [...]

26 septiembre 2012

The II International Journalism Seminar has organized its last session, in which students could express their views on the activities carried and propose ideas for future issues. In this way, the seminar says goodbye until next year course, when it will bring to the UMH some other important names of international journalism in order to [...]

9 mayo 2012


The Second International Journalism Seminar has reached its third session with the presentation led by Carl-Georg Boge, owner and editor of Wochenpost and In his talk, Boge has explained the main characteristics of his media company, which publishes a monthly newsletter and a website providing information on the timeliness of the north coast of Alicante for German readers. In a difficult economic context, [...]

7 noviembre 2012


The II International Journalism Seminar was held today. On this occasion, Professor of Journalism Jose Alberto García Avilés spoke about the emergence of new technology in traditional media at the conference: ‘Innovation in the media: from The New York Times to Twitter TV’ García Avilés explained the most important innovations introduced by international media companies, to renew the [...]

7 noviembre 2012


On October 19th was opened the Second International Journalism Seminar organized by the Professor of Journalism, José A. García Avilés. The first presentation was led by Nachor Ortiz, co-founder of Meristation: ‘The world videogame industry:building your career in a growing industry.» Ortiz advised the students attending the conference that to getaway «must be genuine and above all, [...]

29 agosto 2018